速報APP / 商業 / Fi Global Events

Fi Global Events





版本需求:Android 6.0 以上版本



Fi Global Events(圖1)-速報App

Plan your Fi events experience with the official Fi app!

This app serves as your companion, enabling you to find what you need, connect with exhibitors and navigate our events.

With this mobile app you can easily:

View upcoming global Fi events

Access exhibitor and speaker information at your fingertips

Access general info about the event such as time, location, registration, and how to get there

Fi Global Events(圖2)-速報App

View the full agenda and related information and create your own personal schedule

Easily find the exhibitor stands and sessions in the venue via interactive floorplans

Bookmark your favourite speakers, sessions and exhibitors

Stay up to date on your events by receiving Fi news and updates

What is Fi?

Food ingredients Global is the unrivalled world leader in providing food and beverage professionals with the personalised business solutions they need to grow and nurture their business. To help meet your business strategy and obtain valuable leads and connections, we will work with you to create a global solution that meets your specific objectives.

Fi Global Events(圖3)-速報App

Download the app today, share your experiences with everyone! The Fi app is here to ensure you will have the best events experience.

Fi Global Events(圖4)-速報App